Dinosaur Hunter
Forbes published an article about the company I work for. They got a few things wrong in that first paragraph.
Forbes published an article about the company I work for. They got a few things wrong in that first paragraph.
Last Saturday, my son woke up around eight at night with some goobers in his eyes. Turns out he had pinkeye. Got some eye drops for him and it cleared up. I warned my coworker who had come over that day with her daughter to watch out for it in case her kid got it….
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There seems to be this theory at work that “Tech I”s will do nothing but monitoring all day every day. I don’t think I’ve ever done that here. This means, when a supervisor or program manager, or even the department head asks me, “On average, what percentage of your day is spent on [customer]?” I…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
I usually go about my life assuming that people do not care about me or what I do. This is easy for me to handle because the amount of people who could possibly care account for such a minuscule fraction of the total population. Knowing this, I am usually content. However, this mindset assures me…
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I feel like utter crap right now. I have a headache so bad that it hurts to focus my eyes (yet I still came to work today). I find myself staring into nothingness for indeterminate periods of time, which is severely reducing my productivity. Then, I start thinking that there are people I work with…
What I thought was allergies over the weekend fucking with my head has culminated into something more sinister. My stomach feels to be in knots, or having difficulty passing a bowling ball through my intestines or something. By gum, this is WORSE THAN MENSTRUAL CRAMPS, and that’s something, oh boy. I once described cramps to…
Jorenko’s in Germany on a business trip, attending a trade show. He spent today being a tourist and send me some pictures. Behold the open-index goodness.
Just got my direct deposit of my first paycheck. Now I make half of what my husband does, instead of a fifth!
I have a job. Finally. $12/hr answering phones for an HVAC systems company.
Looks like I won’t be working for Radio Shack after all. Fucking heartless corporation. *ring* “Is this Amanda Schroeder?” “Yes, may I ask who’s calling?” “This is [name] from the district office of Radio Shack, calling to schedule you for a second interview on Wednesday.” “I’m currently out of town until Sunday.” “Oh. Okay. Bye.”…
Hello, shitty day. I had a job interview at 6pm today. Six in the evening. SIX. I leave my appartment at 4:30, and get on a bus out to the blue line. I get on the blue line to go to Cumberland. Great, 30 minutes to get there, and it’s only 10 blocks away. I…
If I get a job at Radio Shack, I can’t come home for Christmas.
I need a job. The last three job offers I’ve gotten are looking pretty absent. I could always work at taco bell, but to them, part time means 39 hours a week. Every other place I apply at doesn’t call, doesn’t call, doesn’t call. Every interview I’ve had has been sorry, sorry, sorry. Everything to…
I went to bed early last night – early by my usual, that is. 1am. Yay. I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible stomach cramps. I don’t know what was causing them, and I really didn’t care. I was so tired that I just changed position in bed and went back…
I finally learned by example how the mind can fatigue the body. At work, I was tired as hell, but I still did my job. I had no physical reason to be tired. I hate my job, though. I got off work at 10pm. I walked to Dennis’ Place for Games and played Pump it…
1. Jorenko came out for the weekend. I called off “Sick” from work. I really was sick on Sunday, though. 2. They want proof I was sick. If they’d like to pay for my medical bills, I’ll get their sodding doctors note, but as it stands, I cannot afford it. I can, however, afford to…
Well, tonight was good. One of the people who decided not to listen to me when I told him what to do was thrown out of the Bell. :)
Schroe Dot Org (1:58:26 AM): “Daniel” is the shitface who gives me trouble. He was doing it again tonight. J Jorenko (1:58:40 AM): At TB? Schroe Dot Org (1:58:44 AM): Yes. Threatened to file a grievance against me, just because I asked him to make one fucking taco supreme while he was standing around doing…
YAY First time back behind the counter of a Taco Bell in 7-8 months. I still got the speed, I still got the skills, and I hate it that there’s people there who can’t wrap 1/6 the speed of me.
I work at Taco Bell again. One week after starting, I will be training to be a Shift Manager.
I repeat: I GOT A JOB. I applied for crew, but from what I gather, I’m going to be a shift manager, possibly opening shift. They really liked that I’m available on weekends for any hours. If they have me closing, I don’t mind at all. Mmm, free tacos . . .