More artdump
doodlemash of silly
doodlemash of silly
I’ll color this later.
Bishop, the Bishouen Chopstick!
Um, yeah. After watching the invader Zim episode, “TAK: the Hideous New Girl” I felt the urge to draw this.
I drew the sketch at the lake, and photoshopped intermittently during the day.
Guess what class I play the most.
Inspired by both Cammi’s “I Hate Myself and I Want To Die” image and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, I drew this.
(From #rubberpiggy) [Schroe> Okay, since Cammi nicked my “I hate myself and I want to die” line that I nicked from, I think every artist in here needs to do a super-happy pic of themselves and label it – “I hate myself and I want to die.” Also not that the character in the…
Schroe’s got a few souls inside her that like to take over her body and alter he appearence. Scissors is the soul of a gun-freak male warrior who would do anything for a satisfying kill.
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After noticing that the bodies of the Almighty Tallest keep getting thinner, it made me think, “What if there’s nothing there at all?” In the picture, you can see our Almighty “Tallest” next to their tall suits, Purple on the left, Red on the right. They aren’t tall at all, they’ve just got big heads,…