More artdump
doodlemash of silly
There is a fine line \ Between genius and madness. \ It is called timing.
doodlemash of silly
(You may have already read this. I wrote it in October.) A young woman walked along a street in the evening, surrounded by the open air and sunset. Her destination was far from any town, across a wide desert. She carried a backpack that, to the casual observer, might seem too empty for the length…
My husband and I wanted to start playing World of Warcraft again, starting tonight. Many people at my new place of employment play, and discussing it at work made me decide that it’s worth playing again. And, since we both have tomorrow off work, it would have been a great way to spend the day….
Just got my direct deposit of my first paycheck. Now I make half of what my husband does, instead of a fifth!
CDs acquired: Lynyrd Skynyrd collector’s edition, 3 albums (“What’s Your Name”, “Double Trouble”, “Forever Lynyrd Skynyrd”) Iron Maiden, “The Number of the Beast” Smashing Pumpkins, “Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness” Primus, “Frizzle Fry” Dragonforce, “Inhuman Rampage” Dethklok, “The Dethalbum” The skylark will be back, soon.
yay or gay?
The real reason I finally got my driver’s license is because I’m starting a new job tomorrow (Dec 17) and my husband has to go out to California for a business trip. Even though the place I work at is closer than the school I used to ride my bike to every other day, it…
My husband had this great idea: let’s get 8 limes, 16 oz of 1800 Silver, 8 oz of Triple Sec, put it in a pitcher with a little bit of sugar and DRINK IT ALL. those were some strong and yummy margaritas Then I had this idea: LET’S SEE IF WE CAN STILL PLAY TF2!…
Team Fortress 2 loading times leads to DOODLE TIME! medics, medgineers, engineers humping dispensers, spies, pyros, heavies, snipersorts ….
I now have a driver’s license. 8 years late.
I have a job. Finally. $12/hr answering phones for an HVAC systems company.
I’ll color this later.
All new art can be found on something I’ve had for years and never really used, and the old art on something else I’ve had for years and rarely used. Here’s a few of the recent things, image intensive post ahoy.
I feel so lazy.
SEVEN MONTHS LATER… And that’s the last comic.
Schroe 12/12/2003 8:06:46 So, how’s it going? TheNintenGenius 12/13/2003 2:27:45 Death. All is death. Death death death. Dying death dead death. Death die. Deat- Oh fine, things are going OK. Nothing ever happens here, let’s face it. It’s boring. You’d expect at least a triple homicide or two to liven things up, but NOOOO, things…
SchroeThu, 11 Dec 2003 07:45:12 GMT I made a huge mistake. I thought about upgrading from ibv3.0.2 to ibv3.1.2. As you can see, the Cork Board is currently on 3.1.2, but at no small price. While upgrading the Cork Board, the old databases became corrupt, and I had no working ones elsewhere. All the posts…
Second comic with a proper timestamp for its creation. Backdated to the original date it was uploaded. LET’S SEE HOW LONG THIS COMEBACK LASTED! Pencil doodle includes Happy Bob. Next >
First comic with a proper timestamp for its creation. Backdated to the original date I attempted to bring Corkies back. GIS (Google Image Search) again. Next >
#13 Rantt Ô_õ 12/11 My my mind draws a blank.
#12 Rantt Ô_õ 12/7 J Jorenko (9:59:01 PM): update hatt J Jorenko (9:59:03 PM): NOW Schroe Dot Org (9:59:14 PM): … Schroe Dot Org (9:59:16 PM): ;_; J Jorenko (9:59:21 PM): NOW