Maxim is the single stupidest publication I’ve had the unfortunate displeasure of reading.
Maxim is the single stupidest publication I’ve had the unfortunate displeasure of reading.
What will it take to make males (Other than Jorenko) realise that they will never be more than just friends?
Dreams always seem so real ;_; In a dream last night, I was sleeping. In the dream, I woke up, and felt someone under me. Jorenko had somehow gotten into my room and underneath me without waking me up. I asked him, “Are you really here?” “No.” and I cried.
I hate it when drawn characters have breasts bigger than their heads, and still manage to keep balanced in a fight.
The kitchen smells like three week rotted food because Candice never does her dishes. She’s too busy dirtying more dishes to notice. She uses up her clean ones, then uses up our clean ones, and then lets them sit in their own mildewy filth. I washed them all. I said to her, “That is the…
I had a dream about a game. I looked over the edge of the boat. Trees were barely visable over the floodwaters. Some of the water was standing water, other parts had currents. I remember thanking our leader for the currents. Ms. Milly Prower, our savior, had devised machines to create currents and stop currents….
On cartoon network, they just accidentally showed a minute from Mission Hill instead of a commercial during a children’s movie
All my dishes, untensils, and appliances are on LOCKDOWN now. The fucking bitch left coffee and coffee grounds in the coffee maker for two days. The grinder is still dirty from two days ago.
I decided to cut class tonight. I didn’t have the work done, so I decide just to not go. There’s no real penalty in it. I decided to get lunch/dinner at the House of Blues. Since it was dinner time, they had a band up on stage. I ordered, and waited for my food. Boredom…
Schroe Dot Org (12:04:09 AM): Some guy hit on me tonight and asked my name. I said “Mrs. Jurack” :P J Jorenko (12:04:38 AM): Like the sound of that, do you? If not, I’ll just bounce you til you do.
Damn that bitch. She still hasn’t done her dishes from weeks ago. Not only that, it’s 10:47 AM and she’s drunk off her box of Corona, which she finished by herself this morning.
The ending of the birthday episode of Mission Hill made me cry. The part where Kevin’s just sitting there alone in the empty house.
Candice used some of my milk without asking. Bitch. And it wasn’t just some. It was HALF THE FUCKING JUG.
Okay, I’m a very lazy, sloppy, messy person, who really doesn’t care if her room looks like a pack of wild geese have been through it So you know it’s pretty serious when I get pissed about cleanliness issues. The dishes have been sitting there for five days. CLEAN YOUR FUCKING DISHES, CANDICE.
Update 1: Retarded fucking roommates should DIE. Toilet clogs, and Candice is adamant to cling to claiming that it’s not our fault. This arouses suspicion in me, for I am paranoid. The toilet is clogged again, this morning. Why? Candice flushes tampons. Tampons clog toilets in old buildings. Candice caused all of this >:| Update…
I’m tired, I’ve got a headache, and I’ve got a lot of shit to deal with. And the one thing that’ll make it allllll better is 250 miles away.
[Aqua> It’s that ham show on tv! YAY! [Geno> ham? [Aqua> hamtaro! [Geno> ugh kill it, hamtaro gives good shows a bad name [Aqua> But it’s too cute. I feel enslaved. [Geno> FIGHT IT OR I WILL EAT YOUR CHILDREN [Schroe> You already ate one billion of his children last night. [Schroe> … * Schroe…
It has often been my theory that if you don’t go outside, nothing will go wrong. Then I moved to Chicago. Whatever the reason, clog in the system, too much water in the pipes, or maybe my toilet was magically clogged without anyone using it – The toilet overflowed. I’m not talking about “Filling to…
So some guys from the arcade walked me home, ‘cos I kinda passed out on the machine. J Jorenko: :O I’m not going back for a while -_- J Jorenko: You know what that means. You’re starting to run out of fat to burn, or something completely unrelated to that, even! Troy, one of the…
The dream started with Jorenko and I sitting on my bed. He was watching me play Diablo II, trying to distract me. I kept yelling at him, because he wasn’t supposed to be there, he was supposed to be somewhere else. I was getting really pissed off at him, but I couldn’t remember what it…
[Jeff> I remember you seemed oddly amused by a toothpaste commercial. Once again, none of that is fabricated. Your dreams are always bloody and interesting, mine are just… illogical and weird. Fun, though :D [Schroe> That just reminded me of something. I’m a warez dealer at school now. Some guy wrote down his phone number…
So, basically, this guy says I have to like him the way he is, or not like him at all – but I’m not allowed to not like him, because if I don’t like him, he’ll want to talk about it until I do like him.
My towers are built again, using stones from the ruins. But now, I watch all of them, from the top of the tallest. The townsfolk build their houses around my towers, but they do not answer to me. I do not ask them to. My towers are tall, sturdy; they won’t fall for a while….
When someone’s a prick of a gamer, pulling lame playstyles and pissing everyone off, yet manages to be a perfectly fine person elsewhere, you simply don’t game with them., and everything’s fine. Until they decided to bring that prickdom into normal chatting.