Since a person’s identity is willfully purged from the earth when one decides to bring a child to the world, many gifts received this holiday were for the baby I haven’t given birth to yet. The selection of baby clothing is perfectly acceptable: greens, blues, and browns with cute sayings and the like; also with a fair range of sizes so that the gifts aren’t completely useless after 8 weeks. One relative put together a diaper changing starter kit with newborn diapers, all the goos, creams and wipes required, all in a nifty basket.
Two folks decided that we needed a camcorder, so one was returned and we purchased a KitchenAid stand mixer and some music with store credit. Music (from both trade-in and gift) includes Apocalyptica – Amplified // A Decade of Reinventing the Cello, The Essential Alice in Chains, Sublime – 40 oz. to Freedom, and Complete Clapton.
Some family members chose to acknowledge that Jorenko and I didn’t cease to exist once the ever-increasing bundle of cells inside me started resembling a person and gave use things like clothes (and hats) for adults and the 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Core Rulebook gift set. A lovely collection of gag gifts were given (squeezy-toys and play-doh) and small things like a cat mousepad (I am rather fond of cats).
As always, we received gift cards. Can’t go wrong with those (unless you buy something that’s no where near us).